Click player above to listen to this 29-minute audio documentary produced circa 2004 by Jacqueline Froelich and hosted by Pete Hartman for KUAF National Public Radio 91.3 FM
“The bioregional perspective recreates a widely-shared sense of regional identity founded upon a renewed critical awareness of and respect for the integrity of our ecological communities.”
Bioregional movement “Welcome Home” statement
Many thanks to Caryn Miraim-Godlberg & Ken Lassman, Peter Berg & Judy Goldhaft, David Haenke, Stephanie Mills, Alberto Ruz, Ana Diaz, Tad Montgomery, Chris Hill, Michael Carr, John Diamante, Michael Dowd, Micah Rolfs, as well as Stan Slaughter, Carlos Gomez, Caroline Estes, Chris Lowry and Rael Basson. Special thanks to David Whitaker at KPOO Radio in San Francisco
This documentary is dedicated to Barbara Harmony.
Audio documentary copyright Jacqueline Froelich, producer: KUAF National Public Radio 91.3 FM 9S School Street/ 1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 479-575-6408 Email:
Permission to post and broadcast granted to the commons—please attribute copyright to Jacqueline Froelich.