Co-Sponsor Registration, OACC 45, Oct. 4-6, 2024


Co-Sponsors can be individuals, groups or businesses.



Thank you for considering supporting this year’s OACC gathering that affirms our community of ecologically-aware Ozarkers.  Co-sponsors are at the forefront of making OACC successful. We hope you’ll join us as a co-sponsor, helping us to create an accessible OACC where people can gather and share knowledge, skills and wisdom about adapting here in the Ozarks as much as possible to an uncertain and unpredictable future.

  • Being a Co-Sponsor means making a $160 contribution. Co-Sponsors can be individuals, groups or businesses. In appreciation for your contribution you will receive 2 adult admissions for this year’s OACC & exhibit space at the event
  • Recognition in the high-quality 3-color printed brochure which is distributed widely to people and places that value living in an ecologically-aware way. (To be included in the printed brochure, we must receive your reply BY AUGUST 9).
  • Recognition on all of our online social media as a Co-Sponsor, including your  own page on our website, our highly visited Facebook page & in OACC email updates between now and the event
  • Recognition at our yearly OACC gathering

All of this gives you and your business or organization wide exposure and recognition. OACC is organized and run by volunteers. It is not a money-making event for any individual or organization, and we have always been committed to keeping our registration fees as low as possible. We hope you will support the event because Co-Sponsors are the key to keeping our rates affordable. You can pay here using PayPal, or by check. Download, print, and mail in this form if you prefer to pay by check. The address is on the form.

Co-Sponsorships are accepted at any time. However, to be included in the printed invitations, we must receive your reply BY AUGUST 9. Fortunately, if you miss this date, you will still be listed on the website and in email updates between now and OACC as soon as we receive your co-sponsorship.

Please feel free to contact us with questions by email at

Thank you for sharing a love and vision for the Ozarks,
Sasha Daucus • Co-Sponsorship Coordinator